Large area (> 10h)

Query an area of interest larger than 10h by providing Polygon/MultiPolygon/Point/MultiPoint in WKT (Well-known text) format.
When using Point or MultiPoint the endpoint will transform intersecting H3 cells at resolution 10 into hexagons (around 1.5 hectares each).

Additional filtering can be specified in the payload:

  • Spatial filters
  • Soil properties
  • Date range
  • Data sources

This is an asynchronous operation.


Submitting a request

POST /v1/soil-data-by-area-queries

Endpoint will create a request that will asynchronously extract the data. An email address can be specified in the payload to be notified on completion.

Getting the status

GET /v1/soil-data-by-area-queries/{query-id}

Endpoint returns the status of a query given the ID provided in the previous call.